- How old do I have to be to use the space?
Our only age requirement is that children under the age of 12 must come with a parent or guardian. We highly recommend that children younger than 8 do not use the space.
- Is everything free to use?
Benchtop tools are for mentor use only, while all other power and hand tools are free access to anything over the age of 12 and with mentor supervision. Materials are also free for small projects (under 4 square feet of sheet goods) but we ask that you bring in your own materials for larger projects. Contact us if you have project-specific questions.
- Do I have to complete a waiver before participating?
Yes, you must fill out a waiver. It can be found at http://tinyurl.com/MakeX-Waiver
- Is MakeX open to the public outside of open hours?
- What is the average airspeed velocity of a laden swallow?
What do you mean, an African or European Swallow?
Other questions? Feel free to shoot us an email at makexpaloalto@gmail.com